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Brozel is a puzzle-narrative mobile game developed over 4 months. The team consists of 6 people (3 game designers, and 3 game artists).


Embody Blanche, a young prostitute pacing the corridors of her Rubik's Cube brothel looking for clues about what happened to her friend Irina.

brozel dialogue.PNG

Play with the 3D form shape like a Rubik's Cube to rearrange its cells, align their doors to create passages, move around, collect items, chat with the characters to find clues and solve the mystery around Irina's disappearance.

My Work

During its production, I participated in the development of many aspects of the game, including camera scripting, programming, game writting, and, of course, the game design.



I took care of the camera scripting. Indeed, for the needs of the game, the player must be able to navigate around the Rubik's Cube knowing that he can "zoom" in the cell where his character is. This involves two things: moving the camera (macro) "freely" around the cube and a repositioning (micro) to a specific cell of the cube (the one where the character / player is).

Codes Samples

Find the code sample of the CameraRotation managing the "macro" movement of the camera around the cube.

Find the code sample of the Camera_UI managing the transition of the camera from a "macro" position to a "micro" one.

Find the code sample of the CameraZoom managing the focal length of the camera.



The programming of a dialogue system between two protagonists imitating the display of dialogue bubbles found on a phone was one of my tasks (this task includes text animations, the display of protagonists). In addition, I have also developed a tool to facilitate the integration of dialogue in the game.

I helped re-read and re-write some dialogues.

Codes Samples

Find the code sample of the NPC_Manager managing every NPC actions

Find the code sample of the DialogSystem managing dialog display parameters


Programming an inventory was one of my responsibilities. Allow the player to see the objects he has accumulated during his investigation, read their description that can lead to other tracks.


Codes Samples

Find the code sample of the InventorySystem managing all slots in the inventory

Find the code sample of the Slot_Behaviour managing one slot in the inventory from its display to its information and animations



The management of the various interfaces and their appearance was entrusted to me by passing interfaces in-game (inventory, menu option, description of the rooms and possible interactions, dialogues) to the interfaces of the main menu (selection of levels, description of level)

Find the code sample of the LevelManager managing the layout and the launch of levels.

Finally, for the rest of the production, I participated in the overall tweaking of the game, and polishing in the scenes.

This experience was a wonderful journey, where I have learned a lot from my mistakes, and have improved my skills.

A big thank you to the team, 


Lila GRIMALDI          Killian GALES           Clara WIMMER          Julia MARTINEZ-BAIARDI          Laurene SAVARY

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